what services are provided by DEMITAX?
DemiTax provides a web-based administration service to individuals qualifying as a micro business in terms of the Sixth Schedule of the Income Tax Act, No 58 of 1962.
In terms of the act, a micro business is required to maintain accounting records of their business and make periodic submissions and payments to the Receiver of Revenue in order to maintain their micro business status and participate in the tax savings as permitted in the act.
The DemiTax platform ensures that this required administration is fast and easy to understand while taking care of the tax calculations and submissions to the Receiver of Revenue on your behalf. Included in the service are the following:
- Registration of your micro business.
- Calculation, preparation and submission of your provisional tax returns.
- Calculation, preparation and submission of your annual tax return.
- Automated notifications of tax deadlines.
- SARS objections.
- Customer invoicing and collection management.
- Recording of your statement of assets and liabilities.
do I qualify to register as a micro business?
There are a few conditions that need to be met in order to qualify for registration as a micro business (turnover tax).
If you can answer "yes" to all of the following questions, then you most likely will qualify for registration:
- Will the business be trading as a sole proprietor (individual)?
- Will the “qualifying turnover” of the business be less than or equal to R1 million for the year of assessment?
- Do you declare that the business is not a “personal service provider” or a “labour broker” without a SARS exemption certificate?
- Do you declare that the business is not a public benefit organisation, recreational club, association of persons or a small business funding entity?
- Do you declare that the income from “professional services” is not expected to exceed 20% of your total receipts during the year of assessment?
- Do you declare that the income from the disposal of assets by the business over the year of assessment and the past two years of assessment is not expected to exceed R1.5 million in total?
- Do you declare that the business was not previously registered for the Turnover Tax?
Companies, close corporations, partnerships and co-operatives can qualify under certain circumstances.
DemiTax primarily services individuals but please talk to us if you would like to enquire further about your business.
“Professional services” are services in the field of accounting, actuarial science, architecture, auctioneering, auditing, broadcasting, consulting, draftsmanship, education, engineering, financial service broking, health, information technology, journalism, law, management, real estate broking, research, sport, surveying, translation, valuation or veterinary science.